Testimony of CK Jen toward brother Joseph Wang

---By CK Jen, 2019/11/03

Just like what apostle Paul said to be with Christ for that is far better. We thank our Lord that our dear brother Joseph Wang went to the Lord so peacefully and without any pain in the morning of October 21. At Montreal brother Joseph raised up many saints and I am one of them. I remember so many times so many hours we traveled together in his minivan, sat side by side many times during the conferences, training, pursuing and fellowship meetings. I retired in May 2010 and joined every week Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning two-hours pursuing with brother Joseph and sister Rosa for more than five years. He taught and guided us by testifying the Lord in his daily living and not much by his speaking. Several brothers attended nearly one year such pursuing and they become the main serving ones in different localities. Brother Joseph was also a man having the most humility and great humanity that I ever met. He often kneeled down in front of saints to pray for their needs including when my wife Lulu had a painful sickness in 2007. He kneeled down in front of her bed and prayed. Of course, there are many other similar situations.

Brother Joseph had fought a good fight in the Lord during his living. Such a fight is toward Satan in the world and is a hard one in all our Christian life. More and More, I have realized that these fightings are often seemingly losing but not in vain. Brother Joseph often told me; fighting with the self and the world, fighting in the services between having a and having no leading from the Lord, fighting to be with the saints and friends between having a and having no Lord's vision and revelation. Brother Joseph finished his fighting and race which our Lord granted him a great measure. I together with many other saints can testify that without brother Joseph's fighting for us we cannot grow to what we are in the Lord. He kept the faith till the end which was in the nursing home. We truly believe that our brother Joseph will be rewarded much from the Lord. I look forward to seeing him during our Lord's 2nd coming. Oh,it is a glorious hope.

Brother Joseph has been our pattern, in particular, concerning his household who all love the Lord so much. He and sister Rosa really can say to the Lord like Joshua 24:15 But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Sister Rosa has accompanied my wife to read the Bible in the evening of Monday for many years even while brother Joseph was staying in the nursing home. I pray that such a family pattern will prevail among the saints. I will follow brother Joseph's pattern to love the Lord and His saints all the rest of my life. Thank you.

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